
Monday 22 April 2013

Common Syrian Drink

‘Matteh’ is a very common beverage consumed in Syria. There hasn’t been a day that has passed in Syria that we haven’t enjoyed it. A social gathering isn’t complete without ‘Matteh’! This drink is made from dry Yerba Mate leaves in hot water with sugar, honey or alone; most of the times, we chose the honey as we find it the best combination. It's usually served in a small cup with a silver straw. Furthermore, since it contains caffeine, some like to include dried camomile flowers or other herbal combinations to offset the effects of the caffeine. 
As Syrian Australians we loved drinking it back in Australia, so finding it in many Syrian households is no surprise to us. Interestingly, although Syria isn’t the country of origin, it is the world’s largest importer of yerba mate!

Noura A

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